Darkness Realm



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The 5 Toughest Players

1) [Purge] ~ D. Licious ~ [6983]
2) Idk [7630]
3) ~666~ Dyvine [38]
4) Red Wolf [586]
5) ~666~ Anubis [118]
REGISTER to JOIN Into the Darkness
As the fingers of darkness creeps across the ruins of the USSR, vampires and werewolves that were once of legend and lore have come out of hiding to take control forever more. Humans and slayers alike battle to remain in control as they battle the creatures of the night and each other. The echoes of great battles can be heard throughout the land, while the ground is covered with bodies, blood and dust fills the air from those of the slain.

    - Do you desire to walk under the light of the midnight sky as a Vampire with the unquenchable thirst for blood?
    - Will your life be that of a werewolf whose uncontrolled desire rages under the full moon seeking the taste of fresh meat?
    - Perhaps, you will walk the streets as the slayer, destroying the nightmares that have come to life?
Shall it be the Human who can be changed with one bite?

Choose wisely as you enter into the Realm of Darkness, it may be the last decision you make.

ATTENTION: Game is best viewed at 1024 by 768 Resolution!

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